Thursday, June 12, 2008

Moving to advisory/partnership role

Indian IT companies are going through an interesting phase by repositioning themselves, which is very nicely summarised by this article.

The Hindu Business Line : IT services moving up the value chain

What would be 'message' indian organisation should give? What impact it would have on organisational structure to make them 'market oriented'?

First wave of success was based on the 'Globalisation of the Industry', what would be next thing!!

Share your views,

Monday, June 09, 2008

What is the next level of abstraction?

I was trying to understand the term Taylorism and then went into understanding more about scientific management!!

The Principles of Scientific Management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then I realised all these patterns that we try to observe at code level, design level and architecture level is giving us structures which can be taken for granted to allow humans to move to next level (taken a part view here, somebody can debate on that!!!)

So.. Can DSL/MDA give us the next level of software abstraction that we all were looking for because there has been no higher level of abstraction beyond programming languages.

From business perspective it has always been applications as the highest order of abstraction in IT terms. Would SOA change that to something that is more closer to business world? What is that functional building block be? It is interesting that today IFW, IAA exist from a particular vendor IBM, can there be industry accepted standard? Do we require one like that? Don't know but certainly an higher level abstraction is needed on top of application!!!

Please share your thoughts

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Lessons for IT from Nano, Jet and Grameen Bank- Software-Infotech-The Economic Times

Lessons for IT from Nano, Jet and Grameen Bank- Software-Infotech-The Economic Times

Interesting article looking forward on the opportunities before Indian IT companies. But what this article is missing to highlight is that many MNCs have already moved in a big way into India, so how would the mix and match their expertise with local skills is to be seen.

Service industry is still very interesting and lot to innovate. Share your views on this!!!


Saturday, April 19, 2008

When Speed Was King: Vinod Dham and the Birth of the Pentium

Pentium and Intel Inside are considered to be the most well made branding exercise. It is interesting to hear from the person behind these and his views on the challenges ahead for the organisation like Intel.

read more | digg story

Cricket in India: Moving Into a League of Its Own

Sport marketing is an interesting area, nice to see one happening right before our eyes. IPL and ICL are good things to happen to Cricket, but what scares me is the amount of money that is involved in IPL. Why? When stakes are high, it creates a lot of tension in the system. Is the system ready for it? Not sure. Key concerns would be- Twenty20 is a good format but it has not been fully tested yet, so why invest so much in it?- Players are yet to become completely professional, so would be interesting to see how they manage working with private owners- Audience are confused is it cricket that is marketed or the experience that is marketed!!!Hope in the end cricket come out better on the whole.

read more | digg story

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Starting the blog

I have been blogging for quite sometime, today I thought of starting to share my views in public!! So testing my blog.