Thursday, August 12, 2010

Energy Efficiency & Data Centres

Data Centres consume a lot of energy in various form. Interesting solution from Wipro to provide ability for SME clients to build quickly efficient data centres.
in reference to: Wipro Infotech announces launches of FluidState Data Centres-ITeS-Infotech-The Economic Times (view on Google Sidewiki)
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Bike Share System in India

Amazing how technology can help solving different problems. I personally feel all metro cities in India should have such a system. There are multiple benefits
1. Improves traffic balance
2. Improves health of the people
3. Make the city cleaner.

But the major cities in India don't have proper provision for supporting cyclist!!! Are our urban city planning thinking and planning for next 10 yrs? don't know.
in reference to: The Bike Share System of the Future is Powered by Wireless Technology (view on Google Sidewiki)
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Sunday, August 08, 2010

Meta University - Age has come

Interesting thinking, world is going through information revolution. Having a ubiquitous university which allows you to take the course from the best place possible is the way to go. Universities can build on their expertise and attract the best talent. It will allow students to have cross disciplinary learning and specialise on topics they want.

Few other ways such a knowledge network can be leveraged
1. Would be useful if such a knowledge network can be tapped by corporations to provide specific learning to their employees
2. Organisations that are open can provide support to do specific courses employees want to do. Because widening knowledge increases tangential thinking.

It is heartening to know that this article is written by a person belonging to PMO though it is his personal opinion. People part of such high office can do a lot to the country. I just hope his views become a reality.

in reference to: Can India build first meta-university?-Policy & You-Sunday ET-Features-The Economic Times (view on Google Sidewiki)